Part 1 of the series was published here.
Another music festival. One of the stall holders, whom I befriended at an earlier festival, asks for a reading in exchange for some of her merchandise. I am always open to trading a reading for a beautiful dress, or an acupuncture session, hand-made soaps, and anything in between 🙂
We agree on the best time for both of us, what with busy trading days, which is after dinner. I have to say that reading tarot by candlelight is a beautiful experience and rather different to the daytime energies. I would do it more, if it wasn’t for the good music and evening merriment which I certainly enjoy partaking in.
So she arrives for her reading, and tells me of her worry. Her partner is French, and he tried to re-enter the country after being back home to France. He was pulled up for questioning by the airport staff, and he was declined entry, on the grounds of using the wrong visa. Australian airport border security can be pretty strict, from what I have heard.
Anyway, this was a devastating blow and now the future was really up in the air. She wanted to know whether he should try and re-enter the country again, and if this would be successful. She planned to travel and meet him in Thailand, and for both of them to try and enter the country on their way back.
So I’m shuffling the cards, trying to remain unbiased, trying to focus on the moment, and let all other thoughts go. But the mind chatter sneaks in, and I catch myself thinking the chances of success are slim. I push the thoughts out of my mind and do my best to focus on the shuffle.

3 of Cups: if this is not celebration, joy and happiness, I don’t know what is.
I don’t remember all the 3 cards I drew, but they were very positive, and I do remember the final one as being the 3 of Cups.
There’s no denying the answer is positive, and I discuss this at length with her.
She leaves feeling upbeat and I am ready for a glass of wine under the stars. I try not to think too much about the reading – it’s a key rule that once it’s done, it’s done, but you know, I definitely do. I wonder what if, and then I just have to let it go.
A few months pass by, and I get the courage to ask her what happened. She replies they were indeed successful, although it took some time going through the situation and explaining it to the airport authorities. She’s ecstatic and looking forward to all their upcoming travels through the country at music festivals.
I breathe a sigh of relief, and wonder why the sweet Jupiter do I doubt myself sometimes?! I make the resolve to trust my ability and really, do more meditation to still my busy thinking mind (with Moon in Gemini, this is awfully difficult). But really, I’m just very happy for them, and for me too.
Many blessings,