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Am I the right tarot reader for you?

Would I be a good fit for you as a tarot reader or astrologer? It can be a difficult journey to find one’s tribe, and even more so finding the right guides, mentors and teachers, irrespective of vocational discipline. To help you decide, here are my top 3 reasons why it would NOT work out having me as your reader/astrologer:

1. You expect a reader to tell you exactly your life’s purpose with minimal input or effort on your part towards manifesting it.

When we first begin fighting for our dreams, we have no experience and make many mistakes. The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and get up eight times.” Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Question to the Cards by Édouard Bisson, 1889.

Finding one’s calling, or vocation, is one of the main reasons people see a tarot reader or astrologer. In fact, one of my astrological interests is vocational astrology, which looks at specific placements and houses in a person’s chart to determine suitable vocational aptitudes and paths to follow. As someone who was, on more than one occasion, feeling stuck in unfulfilling jobs, I completely understand, and wholeheartedly support, the search to find meaningful work, work that gives our lives purpose, joy, growth, and makes us feel alive. If you find yourself lost or travelling the wrong path, a tarot or astrology session can certainly narrow down the options and point out areas of interest based on your chart make-up. What it cannot do, however, is be a guarantee that your new vocational interest or career choice will be free from challenges or an instant success – not without a good amount of dedication and sweat from your part. This is particularly valid for those with numerous changes in their jobs, seeking the magical “one and only”, yet never dedicating a good amount of perseverance and sustained effort long enough to find out either way.

The Card Reader by Pierre Charles Comte (1823-1895)

The more challenging readings, I find, are those where the querent has spent decades chasing the wrong illusion (power/money/prestige etc), which ultimately leaves them unfulfilled at a critical time in their lives. I am not talking here about the kind of money required to sustain a home over one’s head, food on the table, and support a child’s education – I understand most people have to content with this, since I have done so myself over many years. What I am talking about, are the trappings of some modern careers where the fat pay checks are frittered away on shiny toys and instant gratification. Then one turns 50, and either they are made redundant or find that shiny toys no longer fill the void: the deep, inner yearning to do something meaningful with your life. They see a reader expecting the same easy instant gratification in an answer to their dilemma, except that when it comes to giving meaning and purpose to one’s life, instant answers, and instant solutions, will give just about the same level of sustained nourishment as instant noodles. The issue here is not age, per se, but rather one’s attitude towards their predicament. After all, plenty of people have made drastic, yet successful changes in their life well beyond their mid life.

2. You place the responsibility, and the blame, of the consequences of your actions on others.

The Fortune Teller by J L Ronay (19th Century)

At the core of this issue is giving away your power to someone else. I don’t have much more to say on the matter, which requires one to take ownership of one’s own life, and thus empower themselves by making their own decisions and learning to acknowledge, and honour, the consequences of one’s actions, be they good or bad.

Note that I am not saying we ignore or dismiss the difficult trials and tribulations life throws at us: the challenging childhoods, parental neglect or abuse, cultural and societal normalisation of damaging behaviours, etc etc. Life’s vicissitudes, abuses of power, and the deprivation of human liberty, must first be acknowledged, grieved over, and healed in some form. It is the attachment to one’s wounds, where they become part of the ego and self-identification to the point no new energy or experiences are allowed in, that is problematic, and ultimately restricts one’s growth to reach their full potential in life.

3. You do not have a well defined question or specific issue

The Fortune Teller by Theodore von Holst (1840)

The framing of a question can make all the difference to a tarot reading – well, at least to my readings.

My personal experience is that the best readings are those where the querent has a definite issue on their mind, or one specific question pertaining to an area of their life they care about.

Conversely, readings where the querent does not a well defined question, or has a dozen issues all swirling around in their mind – such readings will reflect this energy resulting in a lack of clear guidance. I encourage anyone wishing to see me for a tarot reading to check out my previous posts where I discuss the importance of framing a question the right way:

Warm blessings,




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